The IS200VPWRH1A is a GE PCB the GE Mark VI Speedtronic Series functions as a daughterboard the IS215VPROH215.
Warranty: 3 Year Warranty
Manuals & Datasheets: Request via Email
The IS200VPWRH1A is a GE PCB the GE Mark VI Speedtronic Series functions as a daughterboard the IS215VPROH215.
Availability: Call for Availability
The IS200VPWRH1A is board component for the Mark VI system.The Mark VI is a gas/steam turbine management system that was released by General Electric under the Speedtronic line.The Mark VI uses UDH Ethernet-based LAN for communication between internal control modules. Networked communication uses EGD (Ethernet Global Data.)Communication from the MKVI to computers located off-site can be achieved using the RS232 Modbus port or other communication drivers. The IS200VPWRH1A is a sub-assembly (daughterboard) for the IS215VPROH215.This component is the top assembly board for the IS215VPROH215 and provides much of the power for that board.The boards connect together using four screw-connects and standoffs. Both boards also connect to the wide front faceplate.The IS200VPWRH1A includes several components that are connected into the faceplate, including two lines of LED components (red/green and green/clear,) as well as one multi-pin right-angled ribbon connector.A female power connector located in the front faceplate wires into a 3-position female plug located near the rear edge of the board using surface wiring. The IS200VPWRH1A has two 64-position female plugs located along a single line. The board has several transistors and integrated circuits. The board uses resistors and capacitors of various materials, including two large polyester vinyl capacitors and carbon composite resistors.The board includes several TP test points, as well as a single transformer. The center of the board is populated by a single large heat sink component. The IS200VPWRH1A is a shaped card with cutouts along its front edge to allow room for taller board components on the lower PCB in the IS215VPROH215 configuration.The board is drilled in multiple locations.Purchase
Please give us a call or send us an email for pricing on New Surplus and Reconditioned replacements that we have in our inventory. Our lead times are short, stock is excellent, and pricing is competitive. We hope to be your go-to supplier for all GE Turbine replacement boards and controls.
We conveniently offer an exchange program that allows you to recycle your old board and receive an up-front discount on a replacement. Please ask about our exchange credit program if you have a defective board to exchange with the purchase of a new or reconditioned replacement. We ask that the defective board is sent in within 30 days of the purchase.
We offer repair on most GE Turbine boards we sell. Although we usually have replacements available, we recognize that customers may prefer to have their board repaired. Our repair program allows us to offer a lower cost alternative to replacement.