The IS200DAMEG1A is a GE PCB the GE Mark VI Speedtronic Series fucntions as an innovation series gate drive amplifier/interface board.
Warranty: 3 Year Warranty
Manuals & Datasheets: Request via Email
The IS200DAMEG1A is a GE PCB the GE Mark VI Speedtronic Series fucntions as an innovation series gate drive amplifier/interface board.
Availability: Call for Availability
The IS200DAMEG1A is a board component created by GE for the Mark VI system.The Mark VI is part of the Speedtronic line of gas/steam turbine management systems that began in 1969 with the release of the MKI and continued through the 1990s with the release of the Mark VI and the Mark VIe.The Mark VI is designed with TMR (triple modular redundant) architecture, which means it is designed around three separate and complete Control Modules, power supplies, and IONets. TheIS200DAMEG1A functions as an Innovation Series Gate Drive Amplifier/Interface board.The PCB provides an interface between power switching devices of an Innovation Series low voltage drive (IGBTs,) and the control rack.The IS200DAMEG1A is the lowest powered of the six versions of gate driver boards. It provides an interface without amplification and has no power input. TheIS200DAMEG1A connects to the control rack via the BPIA board.It has three connectors (one per phase) for Input/output with the BPIA board:APL for phase A, BPL for phase B, and CPL for phase C. It connects to the IGBT gate, emitter, and collector terminals.The IS200DAMEG1A is designed without fuses, TP test points, or configurable hardware. It is best if the IS200DAMEG1A is treated like a static-sensitive board at all times. The manufacturer suggests the use of a grounding strap when handling board components or handling the board.The IS200DAMEG1A should be stored in anti-static bags or boxes. More information about the board and its components can be found using publications from the original manufacturer, like user guides, datasheets, and manuals.Purchase
Please give us a call or send us an email for pricing on New Surplus and Reconditioned replacements that we have in our inventory. Our lead times are short, stock is excellent, and pricing is competitive. We hope to be your go-to supplier for all GE Turbine replacement boards and controls.
We conveniently offer an exchange program that allows you to recycle your old board and receive an up-front discount on a replacement. Please ask about our exchange credit program if you have a defective board to exchange with the purchase of a new or reconditioned replacement. We ask that the defective board is sent in within 30 days of the purchase.
We offer repair on most GE Turbine boards we sell. Although we usually have replacements available, we recognize that customers may prefer to have their board repaired. Our repair program allows us to offer a lower cost alternative to replacement.